SAS students pie teachers in the face

Justin Reyes

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

The School For Advanced Studies Council organized the SAS Fun Day on Tuesday, May 28.

The event took place right after school from 2:30-4:30 p.m. on the blacktops. The purpose of the event was to allow SAS students to come out and enjoy a fun time.

“SAS students should expect a day full of fun, pieing a teacher, water balloon fights, games, and lots of yummy food,” said junior Katrin Nazarian, the SAS council president when asked about the Fun Day before it happened.

Students brought all kinds of food and drinks, along with the rest of the SAS teachers to make a potluck to feed everyone.

Some of the games that were played included Red Light Green Light, Human Tic-Tac-Toe, and Jenga. The main event of the Fun Day though was students being able to pie their favorite or least favorite teacher. Some students were caught in the crossfire and pied in the face.

Overall, the SAS Council found the Fun Day a success and can’t wait to think of new ideas for the next school year.

Sophomore Angel Cueto and teacher Joseph Turrise get in on the fun.

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