Junior wins vocalist contest

Gabriela Huenchuguala-Guzman

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

Julieta Marchesini’s high school journey contains resilience, transformation, and self-discovery. As a high school junior in the city of Los Angeles, she once thrived in the spotlight of her school’s performing arts magnet, where her passion for music and theater shone brightly. But as time passed, the intensity of her flame softened, leaving behind shadows of doubt and introspection.

Recently, Julieta was motivated by choir teacher, Lisa Hertzner, to audition for the Rotary Club of Hollywood Music vocalist contest. Julieta walked away with a $300 prize, having won the contest alongside student Vileriia Berenshtein.

Julieta was able to show her musical talents to others after being encouraged by music teacher Bryan Meyers. “When she was my student, I encouraged her to get involved in a lot of music-related activities,” Meyers said. “She sang to children who attended the middle schools in our area as it left a lasting impression regarding the musical talent at Hollywood High.”

Julieta said she feels more motivated than ever to aim for the stars regarding her future but doesn’t believe that music will play a big part in it. She plans to continue real estate professionally after high school. Regardless of the outcome, Julieta said she stands by her choice to do so and believes that the chapter of her life involving music happened for a reason.

Originally from Florida, Julieta’s move to California marked a turning point in her life.  Los Angeles offered her the freedom to embrace her true self. From the ups and downs of life, she said each experience has been a stepping stone on her path to self-discovery. Her freshman and sophomore years were marked by lessons in self-respect and trust, through moments of betrayal and heartache.

“I learned about self-respect and trust recently,” she said. “My freshman and sophomore years of high school were truly a humbling experience. I experienced a lot of disrespect from everyone around me but at the time, I thought that it was better than being alone and losing those around me. I’d tell my freshman self that people take advantage of your kindness. At the end of the day, you’re truly all you have and the only person you can really rely on, so make sure to have love for yourself.”

Those who know her said whether captivating audiences with her performances or offering wisdom to friends in need, her presence radiates warmth and quiet strength. Her journey is one of resilience, the beauty of self-discovery, and the potential that lies within each of us.

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