Students debut their work at faculty lounge turned art gallery

Karyna Luna

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

The staff lounge was recently transformed into a venue for the inaugural student art exhibition–an endeavor taken on by head of the Art Department chairperson Nicole Gelormino. 

The staff lounge had been relatively out of use prior to its transformation as an art gallery.

“The actual location for the show shaped the show a lot because I kept seeing this space–even before I was a regular teacher here–I saw the staff lounge and it was definitely not a favorite place of the school,” said Gelormino, “It was sort of neglected and it’s really close to our art studio here at school. So it made a lot of sense [to have our show there].” 

Works exhibited contained pieces from artists in Gelormino’s own drawing and art history classes, plus designers from Lisa LeConte’s digital design classes, photographers from R. Briggs’s Photography Club, and artists from the L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Art Programs taught by Stefan Kietzman of Create Now, according to the show’s bulletin. 

Students taking an art class of any type were highly encouraged to contribute pieces to the show. The show was an exhibition for students, by students.

“In terms of the overall look of the exhibition, the students selected their own works of art. It was partially self-curated,” said Gelormino, “Then we arranged a really wide range of different works of art in a way that looked presentable and really allowed each individual artwork to shine.”

Gelormino voiced her hopes for what the art exhibition could achieve for the school as a whole.

“I hope that the program really helps bring more attention to the fine art program here at Hollywood High School, even though it’s just starting up,” said Gelormino, “I would love for that to help attract more students that want to engage in materials-based art classes to the school to help with enrollment.”

The process of transforming the staff lounge into an art gallery was no easy feat. It was a meticulous, hand on effort, with students even offering their help as well.

“First I had to get permission to use the space. Then, Ms. Nezu helped get the funding to purchase the gray panels that ended up being the walls of the gallery,” said Gelormino, “After that, the students and I did a lot of cleaning, tearing down old stuff that was on the walls and on the bulletin boards. Mr. Dovlatin also got a donation of brand-new furniture, so the furniture that’s in there is much prettier than what was there before.”

Photo by Arely Barrera

The gallery serves as a means for celebration of student artists and their accomplishments.

“Student ideas and creativity is really something that we should celebrate and experience a lot of joy around. So I really wanted to make space for that celebration of joy”, said Gelormino.

The art exhibition opened on May 10 and is available to visit for regular viewing from now until June 3 in room 305. Regular visiting hours are from 3:45 to 5:30 on Wednesdays and Thursdays by appointment only.

Photos by Tiffany Lopreto

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