Opening the field at lunch would benefit students


Brandon Chitic-Marroquin

Crimson Chronicle Reporter

Hollywood High should seriously consider reopening its fields during
lunchtime. With the fields currently closed means that students are missing
out on outdoor activities and a great place to hang out and have fun.

Providing access to the fields during lunch would not only allow for
physical activities but also provide a space for students to unwind and enjoy
some fresh air. Students all need a break during the day, and having the fields
open gives them a chance to recharge and enjoy lunch in a different way.

Concerns about the fields potentially getting messy, or the
possibility of students littering or fights breaking out, can be easily solved with
an increased supervision on the fields during lunch. The school can get some of
the supervisors that walk around during class time and position them on the field,
but still leaving a few to supervise the quad and other areas during lunch time.

Reopening the fields can improve a students’ well-being and would
contribute to a more positive and memorable high school experience. Providing
access to the fields during lunchtime offers a simple yet impactful way to make
the students’ school life better. Open fields during lunch is a small change that
can make a big difference for students in Hollywood High School..

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